6.13 Audit Service
Info : available in Thru File Sharing release 9.10.8 and later
6.13.1 GET User Audit
Url | [ThruWebServer]/REST/[version]/Audit/Users/ |
Verb | GET |
Required HTTP Headers | Accept: (application/xml or application/json) |
Description | Returns the records of the User audit. |
Request Query Params
| ?operation=<int>&applicationId=<int>&userId=<string> &userSearchString=<string>&start=<DateTimeUnixEpoch>&end=<DateTimeUnixEpoch> &skip=<int>&take=<int>&order=[-1|1]
Return Data Object | ThruPublicAuditUserAction object |
Invocation Scenario(s) | Search Thru User Audit records available for the current authenticated user. All query parameters are optional.
Remarks | REST version: 1.0 order=-1 : from latest by date to older order=1 : from earliest by date to newer DateTime should be in Unix epoch format, in milliseconds, example: /Date(1706922061000)/ , slashed included Sample URL with datetime filtering: https://sitename.domain.ext/REST/1.0/Audit/Users?start=/Date(1704070861000)/&end=/Date(1706922061000)/ Search value for userSearchString should not include the quotes, e.g. userSearchString=email@domain.com |
6.13.2 GET UserGroup Audit
Url | [ThruWebServer]/REST/[version]/Audit/UserGroups/ |
Verb | GET |
Required HTTP Headers | Accept: (application/xml or application/json) |
Description | Returns the records of User Group audit. |
Request Query Params | ?operation=<int>&userId=<string>&userGroupId=<string> &userSearchString=<string>& userGroupSearchString &start=<DateTimeUnixEpoch>&end=<DateTimeUnixEpoch> &skip=<int>&take=<int>&order=[-1|1]
Return Data Object | ThruPublicAuditUserGroupAction object |
Invocation Scenario(s) | Search over all Thru UserGroup Audit available for the current authenticated user. All query parameters are optional.
Remarks | REST version: 1.0 order=-1 : from latest by date to older order=1 : from earliest by date to newer DateTime should be in Unix epoch format, in milliseconds, example: /Date(1706922061000)/ Sample URL with datetime filtering: https://sitename.domain.ext/REST/1.0/Audit/ UserGroups?start=/Date(1704070861000)/&end=/Date(1706922061000)/ Search value for userSearchString should not include the quotes, e.g. userSearchString=email@domain.com Search value for userGroupSearchString should not include the quotes, e.g. userGroupSearchString=Test UserGroup API v1 |
6.13.3 GET FileSystem Audit
Url | [ThruWebServer]/REST/[version]/Audit/FileSystem/ |
Verb | GET |
Required HTTP Headers | Accept: (application/xml or application/json) |
Description | Get list of the FileSystem audit. |
Request Query Params | ?operation=<int>&applicationId=<int>&userId=<string>&start=<DateTime>&end=<DateTime> &skip=<int>&take=<int>&order=[-1|1]
Return Data Object | ThruPublicAuditFileSystemTransactionAction Object |
Invocation Scenario(s) | Search over all Thru FileSystem Audit available for the current authenticated user. All query parameters are optional.
Remarks | REST version: 1.0 order=-1 : from latest by date to older order=1 : from earliest by date to newer DateTime should be in Unix epoch format, in milliseconds, example: /Date(1706922061000)/ Sample URL with datetime filtering: https://sitename.domain.ext/REST/1.0/Audit/ FileSystem?start=/Date(1704070861000)/&end=/Date(1706922061000)/ |