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8.2.5 Server Error Codes

These codes are passed as parameters to the ThruErrorReportingUrl in case any error occurs:

0. Unknown error, information is not available.

  1. SessionID is not a valid Guid variable.

  2. Unknown ThruSessionID. Supplied session identifier does not exist on server

  3. ThruFiles or ThruFolders contain invalid ID integer value

  4. ThruFiles or ThruFolders contain ID of the file or folder that does not exist

  5. ThruFiles and ThruFolders parameters are empty. Nothing to download

  6. Download failed. This is generic error code returned for any unknown error in Download.

  7. ApplicationId is not present in URL

  8. Token is invalid or expired

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.