2.10 Publishing
2.10.1 Data Structures FTHPublishCollectionData
Collection that contains links to published files, links to other collections, and links to external sites.
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | PublishCollectionID | Unique ID of collection |
int | SiteID | ID of the site that contains the collection |
string | CollectionTitle | collection title |
string | Description | Text that describes the collection |
string | LinksSubtitle | Subtitle of the section that displays links to files |
string | RelatedPagesSubtitle | Subtitle of the section that displays links to other web pages. |
string | HeaderText | Text of collection web page header |
string | FooterText | Text of collection web page footer |
bool | Active | Flag is set when collection is active |
DateTime | DateCreated | Timestamp of creation |
Int | CreatedByUserID | User ID of creator |
DateTime | DateModified | Timestamp of modification |
int | ModifiedByUserID | ID of the user who modified the collection recently |
DateTime | DateDeleted | Timestamp shows when collection was deleted. NULL if collection is not deleted. |
bool | RequireRegistration | Flag is set if file links in the collection require registration. |
bool | CollectionActive | Flag is set if collection is active, same as Active. |
bool | CollectionVisible | Flag set if collection is visible via Thru publishing URL |
bool | SearchVisible | Flag set if search field is visible in collection |
bool | SearchShowResultAtStart | Flag set if collection shows all links on start when search field is empty. | FTHPublishRequestData
Request to publish the file
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | PublishRequestID | Unique ID of request to publish the files |
FTHPublishRequestState | PublishRequestState | State of publishing request: Pending = 1, Rejected = 2, Approved = 3 |
int | SiteID | ID of Thru site that contains the collection. |
int | PublishCollectionID | ID of the target collection where file(s) will be published if approved |
string | CollectionTitle | Title of the target collection |
int | PublishLinkID | ID of the file link object that points to the file |
string | RequestText | Text description of the request for publishing |
bool | UseDefaultLinkInfo | Flag set if default link text and description for the file link is used. By default link text is set to file name, link description is empty. |
string | LinkText | Text of the hyperlink that points to the file |
string | LinkDescription | Description of the hyperlink that points to the file, displayed below the link |
DateTime | DateCreated | Creation timestamp |
int | CreatedByUserID | User ID of request creator |
DateTime | DateModified | Timestamp of last modification |
int | ModifiedByUserID | ID of s user who modified the request last |
string | ProcessingNote | Note for approver | FTHPublishLinkData
Published File Link object
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | PublishLinkID | Unique ID of this File Link object. |
int | SiteID | ID of Thru site that contains the object |
int | RelatedFileID | ID of the file published via link object |
string | InternetUrl | Url to the object |
string | DefaultLinkText | Default text for hyperlink |
string | DefaultDescription | Default description for file link |
DateTime | DateCreated | Timestamp of date created |
int | CreatedByUserID | ID of creator |
DateTime | DateModified | Timestamp of last modification |
int | ModifiedByUserID | ID of user who modified object last |
FTHPublishTagData[] | Tags | List of tags | FTHPublishCollectionLinkData
Object: link to publishing collection
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | PublishCollectionLinkID | ID of this Link object. Object is used to store all information associated with link to an item inside the collection. |
int | SiteID | ID of Thru site that contains the collection link |
int | PublishCollectionID | ID of the collection that contains the item |
int | PublishLinkID | ID of the item, applies to files and collections so far |
FTHPublishLinkType | PublishLinkType | Supported item types |
int | RelatedFileID | If item link pints to a file, this field contains file ID |
int | RelatedPublishCollectionID | If item link points to collection, this field contains collection ID |
string | InternetUrl | If item link points to external URL, it is stored here. |
bool | UseDefaultLinkInfo | Flag is set of default information should be used for the link. |
string | LinkText | Default name for the link. |
string | LinkDescription | Text that describes the link. |
string | CollectionTitle | Title of collection |
bool | CollectionVisible | Is collection visible via URL |
bool | CollectionActive | Is collection active |
bool | CollectionLinkActive | Is the link to collection active |
bool | RelatedCollectionActive | Are links to other collections contained in this collection active |
bool | RelatedCollectionVisible | Are links to other collections contained in this collection visible |
DateTime | DateCreated | Timestamp when link was created in collection |
int | CreatedByUserID | User ID who created the link |
string | CreatedByUserName | User Name who created the link |
int | RequestedByUserID | User ID who created publishing request |
string | RequestedByUserName | User Name who created publishing request. |
DateTime | DateModified | Timestamp of the last link modification |
int | ModifiedByUserID | User ID who last modicied the link |
string | ModifiedByUserName | User name who last modified the link. | FTHPublishTagData
Data : text tag attached to published file
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | PublishTagID | ID of the tag |
string | TagName | Text of the tag | FTHPublishFileData
Publishing data for a file
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
FTHFileData | FileInfo | File descriptor |
FTHPublishLinkData | FileLink | File link descriptor |
FTHPublishCollectionLinkData[] | PublishingCollections | Array of published links into different collections |
FTHPublishRequestData[] | PendingRequests | Array of pending requests | FTHPublishStorageData
Storage for published files in case if publishing occurs from external application like SharePoint
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | ApplicationID | ID of external application that requested publishing |
int | ExternalMajorLocationID | External ID of external top level location, like SharePoint site |
string | ExternalMajorLocationName | Name of external top level location like SharePoint site |
int | ExternalMinorLocationID | ID of external low level location like SharePoint library |
string | ExternalMinorLocationName | Name of external low level location like Sharepoint library |
int | ExternalFileID | ID of the file in external system |
int | PublishingFolderID | ID of the folder to store published files uploaded from external system |
int | ThruFileID | ID of the file in Thru |