2.12 Audit Manager Report for SharePoint
2.12.1 Data Structures FTHAuditMgrPagingStateData
Data structure contains the current state of the paging
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | KeysToSkip | Key field is assumed to be integer and the first column in result set. |
int | RowsOnCurrentPage | Number of rows on the page |
int | MatchingKeys | Number of matching keys |
Int | PageNumber | Page number |
int | TotalPages | Total pages |
bool | IsFirstPageEnabled | Is first page available in this report |
bool | IsPreviousPageEnabled | Is previous page available |
bool | IsNextPageEnabled | Is next page available |
bool | IsLastPageEnabled | Is last page available |
string | ReportPageResult | Report in XML format | FTHAuditMgrSharePointReportFilterData
Filtering data to retrieve report
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
string[] | Operations | Operations to include into report |
DateTime | DateLoggedFrom | Start of operation in the log |
DateTime | DateLoggedTo | End of operation in the log |
string | Operations | File name |
string | OperationNotes | Notes on operation |
string | MsgTrackingNo | Unique Tracking number of the message |
string | MsgSubject | Message subject |
string | MsgCoverOrPrivateContent | Public or private content of the message |
int | KeysPerPage | Report items per page, default is 20 |
FTHAuditMgrPagingAction | PagingAction | Enumeration FirstPage, PreviousPage, NextPage, LastPage |
FTHAuditMgrSortOrder | SortOrder | Enumeration: Ascending, Descending |
FTHAuditMgrPagingStateData | PagingStateData | State of the paging, see data structure above | FTHAuditMgrSalesForceData
Filtering data to retrieve report
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | LogItemId | ID of the item. |
string | TimeStringUTC | UTC time. |
string | Operation | Operation in the report. |
string | OperationNote | Additional information of operation. |
string | UserName | Name of the user. |
string | UserEmail | Email of the user. |
string | ExternalEmailRecipient | Email of the recipient user. |
string | FolderPath | Path to the folder with the file. |
string | FileName | Name of the file. |
string | FileSizeDisplay | File size. |
long | FileSizeBytes | File size in bytes. |
string | MessageTrackingNo | Number of the message. |
string | MessageSubject | Subject of the message. |
string | CoverMessage | Main body of the message. |
string | PrivateMessage | Private message of the message. |
bool | Expired | Flag of expiration of the message. |
string | ExpirationDateStringUTC | Expiration date of the message. |
string | RecipientTo | Emails in ‘To’ group. |
string | RecipientCc | Emails in ‘Cc’ group. |
string | RecipientBcc | Emails in ‘Bcc’ group. |
2.12.2 Methods AuditMgrSharePointReport
The method returns a report in XML format from Thru file system transaction log
AuditMgrSharePointReport(Guid sessionID, FTHAuditMgrSharePointReportFilterData filterData)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionID | Filter only messages from given sessionID. |
filterData | Report filter and state of pagination. | AuditMgrSalesForceReport
The method returns a report for SharePoint
AuditMgrSalesForceReport(Guid sessionID, string objectType, string objectID)