Methods MetadataStore
Store metadata to apply automatically to all files and folders uploaded under given SessionID after the web service is called (marking metadata)
Metadata will be cleared when session is deleted, expires or by the web service call MetadataClear()
Note: Subsequent calls to MetadataStore() under the same SessionID delete previous marking metadata and create a new one. If multiple user upload processes use MetadataStore() under the same shared SessionID, marking metadata for a user will be replaced in the process of upload and files will be marked with new metadata. To prevent this, use different SessionId for each user, Session IDs are returned by opening server for user-specific sessions or by opening Immutable sessions if a single integration account is used.
MetadataStore (Guid SessionID, FTHMetadataKeyValue[] data)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionID | User session returned by one of the Open functions |
data | Array of the metadata to write | MetadataClear
Clear metadata that was set by the web service call MetadataStore and applies to all uploaded files and folders.
After the web service is called, metadata is no longer applied to files and folders.
MetadataClear (Guid SessionID)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionID | User session returned by one of the Open functions | MarkGuid
Mark uploaded files/folders during session by unique identifier and return it.
Create and store unique GUID to apply automatically to all files and folders uploaded under given SessionID after the web service is called (marking). Call returns unique GUID used to mark all uploaded files in one upload transaction using the API upload dialog tool. Marking of uploaded files will stop when the last file in the batch is uploaded by API upload dialog tool.
Files marked by the GUID can be retrieved by the call RetrieveUploadInfo and RetrieveUploadInfoCleanUp
Metadata will be cleared when session is deleted, expires or by the web service call MetadataClear
Note: Subsequent calls to MarkGuid() under the same SessionID delete previous marking Guid and create a new one. If multiple user uploads use MarkGuid() under the same shared SessionID, marking Guid for a user can be terminated in the process of upload and files will be stamped with new Guid. To prevent this, use different SessionId for each user, Session IDs are returned by opening server for user-specific sessions or by opening Immutable sessions if a single integration account is used.
MarkGuid (Guid SessionID)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionID | User session returned by one of the Open functions | RetrieveUploadInfo (deprecated)
The call returns an array of file metadata structures for each uploaded file and folder (folder metadata is reserved for future use), see FTHUploadInfo structure description for details.
Parameter uploadedMetadataValue can be set to GUID returned by MarkGuid() call or other metadata set by MetadataStore call to retrieve files marked by the metadata.
Partially uploaded files are not returned.
RetrieveUploadInfo (Guid SessionID, string uploadedMetadataValue)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionID | User session returned by one of the Open functions |
uploadedMetadataValue | Value to retrieve uploaded files | RetrieveUploadInfoCleanUp
The call returns an array of file metadata structures for each uploaded file and folder (folder metadata is reserved for future use), see FTHUploadInfo structure description for details.
Parameter uploadedMetadataValue can be set to GUID returned by MarkGuid() call or other metadata set by MetadataStore call to retrieve files marked by the metadata.
Partially uploaded files are not returned. Internal metadata created by MarkGuid is cleared.
RetrieveUploadInfo (Guid SessionID, string uploadedMetadataValue)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionID | User session returned by one of the Open functions |
uploadedMetadataValue | Value to retrieve uploaded files, was returned by MarkGuid |