2.9.1 Messaging Data Structures FTHMsgStorageData
Data location in Thru site to tore outgoing messages
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | OutboxFolderID | Folder to store local attachments and files from SharePoint (Email Thru action).See more info in review of web method MsgGetStorage() |
int | AuxFileSetID | Optional field to store the ID of the set that link all the auxiliary files associated with the message. |
FTHAuxFileData | MissingAuxFiles | After checksum check – list of files which do NOT exist on the server and need to be uploaded. | FTHAuxFileData
Auxiliary files data: thumbnails and other
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
FTHAuxFileType | FileType | Type of auxiliary file. Currently, the only possible value is “MessageEmbeddedImage”. |
String | FileName | Auxiliary file name |
String | Checksum | SHA1 file checksum. | FTHMsgData
Thru email message data
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | MsgID | Message unique identifier. |
int | UserID | Sender. |
string | Subject | Message subject |
DateTime? | DateSent | Timestamp when email was sent to last recipient. |
DateTime | DateExpired | Message expiration timestamp. |
bool | CollectedFlag | Flag to indicate if any of the recipients read the private message or downloaded files. |
bool | NotifyFlag | A flag which can be set by the sender to trigger email notification to the sender when a recipient downloads the file(s). |
string | PublicMessage | Public message body |
string | PrivateMessage | Private message body |
string | TrackingNo | Tracking number assigned by Thru server to any email. Enables search of secure emails and related events in Thru Audit Manager. |
bool | SendByClient | True if client application such as Outlook or Lotus Notes add-on is responsible for sending of the message. False if the server sends the message. |
bool | RequestLogin | Indicates if recipient should go through self-registration process to set the password to access protected emails and files. |
Int | MaxDownloads | Reserved for future use. |
DateTime | DateCreated | Timestamp of the creation date for the message in Thru server. Could be earlier then Send timestamp since it takes time for the client to create individually trackable messages in Outbox. |
int | ApplicationID | ID of the application connector that created the message. Application IDs are stored in the table TBL_APPLICATION |
FTHMailPriority | Priority | Message priority. |
bool | IsExpired | Indicates if the message is still available for external download. Expired messages are visible in Sent Thru folder in native or web clients. |
FTHMsgRecipientData[] | ToRecipients | List of message recipient IDs. |
FTHMsgRecipientData[] | CcRecipients | List of message recipient IDs. |
FTHMsgRecipientData[] | BccRecipients | List of message recipient IDs for hidden recipients. |
FTHFolderData[] | FolderData | List of folder IDs. |
FTHFileData[] | FileData | List of file IDs. |
bool | SeparateEmails | Flag indicates whether to send separate email per recipient or a single email to all recipients. |
bool | AttachmentsExist | Flag indicates if any attachments exist. |
string | MsgHtmlTemplate | Template used when a message is prepared, HTML format. More info in “Message Templates” section. |
string | MsgTextTemplate | Template used when a message is prepared, plain text format. More info in “in “Message Templates” section. |
string | UserPassword | For backward compatibility – this is the password created by a sender when a message is created. Thru Clients that support this mode: Outlook 1.x, Lotus Notes 1.x |
string | MsgLevelPublicID | If a single email is sent to all recipients, use this field as invitation ID that identifies the message for all recipients. |
int | MsgTemplateID | This is the template Id for the message to send an email to recipient. Template with this ID participates in the merge process when original email merges with template in Outlook or other client. | FTHMsgRecipientData
Message recipient data
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | MsgID | Unique identifier of the message. |
int | RecipientID | Unique identifier of the recipient for the message. |
string | RecipientEmail | Recipient email address. |
string | MsgRecipientLevelPublicID | String to be passed with external download URL to identify the message and the recipient. |
int | Type | TO, CC, or BCC |
bool | Collected | Flag indicates the recipient read the message or downloaded the files. | FTHMsgValidationData
Store message in case of failed validation
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
bool | Valid | Set if the message is considered valid under the current site policy. |
string | UserMessage | In case the message is not valid, the field contains the message to display, explaining why the message violates the site policy. | FTHFileData
Thru file object data
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | FileID | ID of a file in Thru server |
int | ParentFolderID | ID of a parent folder that contains a file |
string | Name | Name of a file |
long | Size | File size |
int | EffectivePermission | Effective permission of a file (reserved for future use) |
DateTime | DateCreated | Date when a file was created |
DateTime | DateModified | Date when a file was modified last time |
int | CreatedByUserID | ID of the user who created the file |
Int | ModifiedByUserID | ID of the user who modified the file last time |
int | Version | File version (reserved for future use) |
bool | IsDeleted | Flag shows if a file is in Deleted state |
bool | IsQuarantined | Flag shows if a file is in Quarantined state, means that file body was removed by Anti-virus software. |
bool | IsPublished | Flag shows that a file is published into one of Thru collections. | FTHFolderData
Thru folder object data
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
int | FolderID | ID of a newly created folder |
int | ParentFolderID | ID of a parent folder |
string | Name | Name of new folder |
int | EffectivePermission | Effective access permission for new folder for currently signed user Permission enum: |
DateTime | DateCreated | Timestamp when the folder was created |
DateTime | DateModified | Timestamp when the folder was modified |
int | CreatedByUserID | ID of the user who created the file |
int | ModifiedByUserID | ID of the user who modified the file |
bool | IsDeleted | Flag shows if the folder is deleted |
int | FolderType | One of the following Folder Types: |