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08/12/22 Ver

Release Notes - [Thru AFT] [Ver]
Release Date: [08/12/22]

[New Features]

  • FLOW SCHEDULE HISTORY - A new page in the UI under a Flow which records and displays the scheduled runs of the endpoints.


  • THRU NODE AUTOMATIC UNINSTALLATION - When a Thru Node is deleted in the UI, the corresponding running through node will automatically uninstall the next time it attempts to check for an update.

  • BULK OPERATIONS - Users can now select multiple flows and enable/disable/delete in bulk. Also users can select multiple organizations and endpoints and enable/disable in bulk.

  • SAS TOKEN IN AZURE - Azure SAS Token now works when it is created from the bucket level.

[Bug Fixes]

  • NODE SUPPORT FOR WEB PROXY - Thru Nodes will now work on machines configured with proxies.

  • THRUNODE INSTALLATION WITH INVALID CREDENTIALS - When a user enters an invalid password while installing a Thru Node they will now be prompted to retry instead of the installation halting completely.

  • AUDIT LOG – CLEAR ALL ALERTS - Alerts cleared via “Clear All Alerts” will appear in Audit Log

  • ORGANIZATION SUBSCRIPTION VALIDATIONS - Unsubscribe org from flow validation is working when unsubscribing from the organization’s subscription page.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is intended for the use of Thru Inc. staff, Thru Inc. customers or persons having signed an NDA with Thru Inc. for the purpose of the agreement under which the document has been submitted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Thru Inc. The document has been written to be used by professional and properly trained personnel and the reader assumes full responsibility when using it. Thru Inc. welcomes readers’ comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. Thru Inc. liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentary correction of errors. Thru Inc. will not be responsible in any event for errors in this document or for any damages, incidental or consequential (including monetary loss), that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to applicable laws.

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