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13/03/24 Ver

Release Notes - [Thru AFT] [Ver]
Release Date: [13/03/24]


  • Organization > Actions - list of functions to be updated

  • Add Machines Users to Actions Menu in Org View

  • Endpoint > SharePoint - Add helper regarding App Registration

  • [Activity] Change the order of transfers, latest should be at the top

[Bug Fixes]

  • [Activity] Int EPs - Start Download (through Filezilla), Delivery Count decrements

  • [Activity] Page infinite scroll broken

  • [Activity] Page isn't loading new records

  • [Activity] Page - Not Reporting Correct Filename In Target Path With Temp Filename Trigger Enabled

  • [Activity] Page - Not respecting the From Date

  • [Activity] Page - Wrong endpoint being reported in activity page

  • [Activity] Page - Showing duplicate file transfers on Node-Node

  • [Activity] Page - Downloading file from activity page does not increment egress

  • [Activity] Page - Duplicated targets in file activity list

  • [Activity] Page - Reordering by the Filename column is not correct

  • [Activity] Page - Reporting "Started Instead Of Error”

  • [Activity] Target Transfer status for Node Targets always "scheduled"

  • [Activity] Page - Quarantined event is recorded as error first and target quarantine second and therefore cannot be found via Quarantined filter

  • [Activity] Page - Files 0/0 Completed From Mulesoft

  • [Activity] Page - Files Not Transferring 0/0 Completed

  • [Activity] Page - Transfer showing False "Completed"

  • [Activity] Page - Transfer Details - Processing States - More info required and less pollution of the history with progress entries.

  • [Activity] Page - Quarantined files change status to "error"

  • [Activity] Page - UI download for jpg files broken

  • API Example : /api/Activity/getFileActivity example has an extra character on the end

  • Content API - Upload/Abort cause internal server error during setting up Error state

  • [Flows] Flow Endpoint - Archive On Source causing exceptions

  • [Flows] - Changes Can't Push

  • [Flows] Flow is blocked and status showing as Started

  • [Flows] Flow is stuck on busy

  • [Flows] Flow Endpoint Is Not Running

  • [Flows] Modified By is Not Updated for Flow Page

  • [Flows] Tooltips for Node aren't working in flow studio

  • Node - Not Decrypting

  • Node - Successful Files From Node Show "Queued" State Instead Of Completed

  • Node - Target Schedules not working

  • Node - File Acceptance on Large Files

  • PGP - keys generated with Kleopatra causing error in decryption

  • PGP - Error while decrypting at target

  • Retention - leaving 'Purge successful files after' field blank and save throws error code 400

  • Web Widget - Uploads automatically cancelled


The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is intended for the use of Thru Inc. staff, Thru Inc. customers or persons having signed an NDA with Thru Inc. for the purpose of the agreement under which the document has been submitted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Thru Inc. The document has been written to be used by professional and properly trained personnel and the reader assumes full responsibility when using it. Thru Inc. welcomes readers’ comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. Thru Inc. liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentary correction of errors. Thru Inc. will not be responsible in any event for errors in this document or for any damages, incidental or consequential (including monetary loss), that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to applicable laws.

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