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The Flows dashboard allows you to search, list, and manage all your flows in one place.

New flows can be created using +Add Flow or using the Import Flow option.

Flows can also be exported to a json format.

Column headers include Name, Status, Code, Created Date, Created By, Modified Date, Modified By, Subscriber and Actions.





The name of the flow.


Shows whether the flow is enabled or not.


The flow code.

Created Date

Day of the month and time flow was created.

Created By

Displays who created the flow.

Modified Date

Displays date and time flow was modified.

Modified By

Displays who modified the flow.


Shows how many subscribers the flow has.


Clicking the tri-dot Actions icon gives you quick access to the flow’s Properties page, where additional settings are available

These Flow Action Icons help you manage your flows :

  • Edit - Quick access to the Flow Properties page.

  • Export Flow - Exports the whole flow configuration to a json file.

  • Export Filezilla Config - Exports the configuration to a format FileZilla can import.

  • Subscribers - Quick access to the organizations subscribed to this flow.

  • Disable Flow - Quick access to disable the flow.

  • Delete Flow - Quick access to delete the flow.


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