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List of Sub-roles - Permissions

Below is a list of all the Roles (Permissions) currently available.


Audit APIs

File Activity

File Activity: Replay Files

File Activity: Download Files

File Activity: Delete Files

Billing APIs

Global Search

Alert: Get / List

Alert: Update Status

Content API: File Upload

Content API: File Download

Organization: Get / List

Organization: Create

Organization: Update

Organization: Delete

Organization - Endpoint: Get / List

Organization - Endpoint: Create

Organization - Endpoint: Update

Organization - Endpoint: Delete

Organization - Subscription: Get / List

Organization - Subscription: Create

Organization - Subscription: Update

Organization - Subscription: Delete

Organization - PGP Key: Get/List

Organization - PGP Key: Create

Organization - PGP Key: Update

Organization - PGP Key: Delete

Organization - SSH Key: Get / List

Organization - SSH Key: Create

Organization - SSH Key: Update

Organization - SSH Key: Delete

Organization - Certificate - Get / List

Organization - Certificate: Create

Organization - Certificate: Update

Organization - Certificate: Delete

Organization - Thru Node: Get / List

Organization - Thru Node: Create

Organization - Thru Node: Update

Organization - Thru Node: Delete

Organization - Machine User: Get / List

Organization - Machine User: Create

Organization - Machine User: Update

Organization - Machine User: Delete

Flow: Get / List

Flow: Create

Flow: Update

Flow: Delete

Flow: Export FileZilla Config

Flow: Export

Flow: Import

Flow - Transfer Request: Get / List

Flow - Client Response: Get / List

Flow - Active Schedule: Get / List

Flow - Endpoint: Get / List

Flow - Endpoint: Create

Flow - Endpoint: Update

Flow - Endpoint: Delete

Flow - Endpoint: Run

Flow - Subscription: Get / List

Flow - Subscription: Create

Flow - Subscription: Delete

Flow - History: Get / List

Flow - History: Rollback

Flow Endpoint - Alert Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Alert Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Alert Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Alert Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Anti Virus Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Anti Virus Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Anti Virus Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Anti Virus Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Compression Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Compression Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Compression Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Compression Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Main Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Main Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Main Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Main Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Email Notification Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Email Notification Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Email Notification Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Email Notification Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Encryption Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Encryption Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Encryption Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Encryption Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Processing Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Processing Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Processing Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Processing Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Schedule Config: Get/List

Flow Endpoint - Schedule Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Schedule Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Schedule Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Rename Option Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Rename Option Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Rename Option Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Rename Option Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Mapping Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Mapping Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Mapping Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Mapping Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: FTP Auth Password

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: FTP Auth Certificate

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: FTP Auth Certificate & Password

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: SFTP Auth Password

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: SFTP SSH Key

Flow Endpoint - Triggers Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Triggers Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Triggers Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Triggers Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Connection: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Connection: Create

Flow Endpoint - Connection: Update

Flow Endpoint - Connection: Delete

User Management: Get / List

User Management: Create

User Management: Update

User Management: Delete

User Management: Unban

User Management: Resend Activation Email

Instance Admin APIs

Admin - Thru Nodes: List

Admin - Feature Flag: Get

Admin - Feature Flag: Create

Admin - Feature Flag: Update

Admin - Feature Flag: Delete

Admin - Roles: Get

Admin - Roles: Create

Admin - Roles: Update

Admin - Roles: Delete

Admin - Roles: Assign Role to User/Group

API Key: Get

API Key: Create

API Key: Update

API Key: Delete

Admin - Retention: Get

Admin - Retention: Create

Admin - Retention: Update

Admin - MFA: Get

Admin - MFA: Update

File Upload

Content API: File Upload

File Download

File Activity

File Activity: Download Files

Content API: File Download

Basic Auth

File Activity

File Activity: Replay Files

File Activity: Download Files

Billing APIs

Global Search

Alert: Get / List

Alert: Update Status

Organization: Get / List

Organization: Create

Organization: Update

Organization: Delete

Organization - Endpoint: Get / List

Organization - Endpoint: Create

Organization - Endpoint: Update

Organization - Endpoint: Delete

Organization - Subscription: Get / List

Organization - Subscription: Create

Organization - Subscription: Update

Organization - Subscription: Delete

Organization - PGP Key: Get/List

Organization - PGP Key: Create

Organization - PGP Key: Update

Organization - PGP Key: Delete

Organization - SSH Key: Get / List

Organization - SSH Key: Create

Organization - SSH Key: Update

Organization - SSH Key: Delete

Organization - Machine User: Get / List

Organization - Machine User: Create

Organization - Machine User: Update

Organization - Machine User: Delete

Flow: Get / List

Flow - Endpoint: Get / List

Flow - Endpoint: Create

Flow - Endpoint: Update

Flow Endpoint - Main Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Main Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Main Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Main Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Email Notification Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Email Notification Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Email Notification Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Email Notification Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Server Path Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: Get / List

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: Create

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: Update

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: Delete

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: FTP Auth Password

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: FTP Auth Certificate

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: FTP Auth Certificate & Password

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: SFTP Auth Password

Flow Endpoint - Server User Config: SFTP SSH Key

User Management: Get / List

User Management: Create

User Management: Update

User Management: Delete

User Management: Unban

User Management: Resend Activation Email

Instance Admin APIs

API Key: Get

API Key: Create

API Key: Update

API Key: Delete

User Basic Auth

User Profile Password Management (Forgot/Reset/Change)

SSO Auth

Audit APIs

File Activity

File Activity: Replay Files

File Activity: Download Files

Billing APIs

Global Search

Content API: File Upload

Content API: File Download

Organization: Get / List

Organization: Create

Organization: Update

Organization: Delete

Organization - Endpoint: Get / List

Organization - Endpoint: Create

Organization - Endpoint: Update

Organization - Endpoint: Delete

Organization - Subscription: Get / List

Organization - Subscription: Create

Organization - Subscription: Update

Organization - Subscription: Delete

Organization - SSH Key: Get / List

Organization - SSH Key: Create

Organization - SSH Key: Update

Organization - SSH Key: Delete

Organization - Certificate - Get / List

Organization - Certificate: Create

Organization - Certificate: Update

Organization - Certificate: Delete

Organization - Machine User: Get / List

Organization - Machine User: Create

Organization - Machine User: Update

Organization - Machine User: Delete

Flow: Get / List

Flow - Endpoint: Get / List

Flow - Endpoint: Create

Flow - Endpoint: Update

Flow - Endpoint: Delete

Flow - Subscription: Get / List

Flow - Subscription: Create

Flow - Subscription: Delete

User Management: Get / List

User Management: Create

User Management: Update

User Management: Delete

User Management: Unban

User Management: Resend Activation Email

Instance Admin APIs

Admin - Roles: Get

Admin - Roles: Create

Admin - Roles: Update

Admin - Roles: Delete

Admin - Roles: Assign Role to User/Group

User SSO Auth

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