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Login Page

The login page serves as your gateway to access the Thru AFT instance. Your user account will be generated by the site administrator, and a password setup email from Thru will be sent to you for password configuration.

If you have not received a notification to update your password, please reach out to your administrator. They have the capability to resend your user activation.

Input your username and password into the designated fields, then proceed by clicking the "Login" button.


Forgot Username

  1. Click Forgot Username?

  2. Enter your email address.

  3. Click Send.

If you have an active user account, we will sent you an email containing all usernames associated with that email. Can't find the email? Try checking your spam folder. If you still can't log in, have us resend the email or contact support.

Important: In cases where you possess multiple usernames for accessing various instances, employing the "Recover Your Username" option will result in an email being sent to you containing a list of usernames linked to a specific email address.


Forgot Password

  1. Click Forgot Password?

  2. Enter your Username.

  3. Click Send.

If you have an active user account, we will sent you an email with a link to finish resetting your password. Can't find the email? Try checking your spam folder. If you still can't log in, have us resend the email or contact support.


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