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Upon logging into Thru, your initial destination is the Overview page.

The dashboard update interval is set to 3600 seconds which is every hour.

There is an additional random delay set for the first update of the dashboard after the service is first started. The first update will happen from 0 to 3600 seconds from when the instance is created.

This page features a dynamic dashboard for monitoring, displaying:

  • Ingress Bytes and Egress Bytes

  • Current storage - Amount of data currently in Thru

  • Maximum storage - The max amount of storage that was occupied for the month.

  • Count of processed files in the ongoing month

  • Aggregate count of transactions throughout the current month

  • Ongoing transfer activity statistics


Transfer Activity 

This area shows a live graph of transfer activity in your instance.

The graph differentiates between file transfers coming into Thru and file transfers being sent from Thru.

The X-axis shows the dates of the file transfers and the Y-axis shows the number of files being transferred. 

You can also filter by organization and export to csv.

The dashboard update interval is set to 3600 seconds which is every hour. There is an additional random delay set for the first update of the dashboard after the service is first started. The first update will happen from 0 to 3600 seconds from when the instance is created.

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