The Audit API tracks changes to elements in the UI and all user actions.
The changes are visible through an API endpoint api/audit/swagger/ or /api/audit/swagger/v1/swagger.json
Example requests :
1 - GET /api/Audit - Retrieves audit log events filtered by the "Configuration" category and on or after the given date
2 - GET /api/Audit - Retrieves audit log events filtered by the "Transfer" category and between the given date ranges
3 - GET /api/Audit - Retrieves audit log events filtered by the "Login Failed" event type and on or after the given date
4 - GET /api/Audit - Same example as the previous with pagination support
Please adjust the date range according, otherwise it will take a long time to generate the request using the examples shown above.
Details on the different Event Types
UserChange (101): When a user makes a change.
UserGroupChange (102): When a user group is modified.
PermissionsChange (103): When permissions are altered.
FlowChange (104): When a flow is changed.
OrganizationChange (105): When an organization undergoes change.
EndpointChange (106): When an endpoint is modified.
ThruNodeChange (107): When a ThruNode is changed.
FlowEndpointChange (108): When a flow endpoint is altered.
SSHKeyChange (109): When an SSH key is modified.
PGPKeyChange (110): When a PGP key is modified.
CertificateChange (111): When a certificate is changed.
User Action
LoginSuccess (201): When a user logs in successfully.
LoginFailed (202): When a login attempt fails.
Logout (203): When a user logs out.
SSOLoginSuccess (204): When a single sign-on login is successful.
SSOLoginFailed (205): When a single sign-on login attempt fails.
MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)
OneTimePasscodeSent (211): When a one-time passcode is sent for authentication.
AlertAcknowledge (301): When an alert is acknowledged.
AlertClear (302): When an alert is cleared.
AlertSuppress (303): When an alert is suppressed.
AlertReactivate (304): When a deactivated alert is reactivated.
ReportDownload (401): When a report is downloaded.
Import/Export (Flow)
FlowExport (501): When a flow is exported.
FlowImport (502): When a flow is imported.
ExportConnectionInfo (503): When connection information is exported.
FlowEndpointScheduleRun (601): When a scheduled run for a flow endpoint occurs.
FlowManualRun (602): When a manual run of a flow endpoint is initiated.
ManualFileDownload (603): When a file is manually downloaded.
ManualFileUpload (604): When a file is manually uploaded.
ThruNodeInstall (701): When a ThruNode is installed.
ThruNodeUninstall (702): When a ThruNode is uninstalled.
SessionTimeout (801): When a user session times out.
AccountLockout (802): When an account is locked out due to multiple failed login attempts.
ForgotUsername (803): When a user forgets their username.
ForgotPassword (804): When a user forgets their password.
AccountUnban (805): When an account is unbanned.