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Defining FTP Settings

SFTP \ FTPS Client Configuration Information

To configure your FTP client to connect to Thru, refer to the following information:

  1. Host: Depending on which geo the customer site is hosted in, one of the following will be entered.

Please contact Thru support to confirm the geo a site is located in

2. Protocol: Select your secure FTP preference

Logon Type: Select your preference.

User: The user is a combination of Thru site portal URL \ user name (typically an email address);

Password: The password is the same one used for Thru portal authentication.


SFTP Example :

FTPS Example :

Note : Encryption requires to use Explicit FTP over TLS

Network Firewall Considerations
Egress connections to Thru FTP services may need to be enabled on a corporate firewall.

If the error “The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections” appears after attempting the authenticated connection.
It is most likely that the Thru FTP host has to be added to the firewall whitelist.

Linux requires a forward slash when defining the username :

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