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Separate email limits

For tracking purposes, the system creates separate emails for each recipient if the message requires a link to Thru server, and request login is turned off.

This parameter prevents massive email generation by limiting the number of emails that it will send.

SMTP server message recipient limit

This value is optional. If your SMTP server has a limit, and the limit is entered here, Thru Server will block messages which exceed the limit.

If the limit is NOT entered here, and a message exceeds the recipient limit, the SMTP server will send the message with a partial recipient list and the user will get an error message.

Request recipient login

This option can be set to NeverAlways, or User choice.

Always means that the recipient who wants to download a link will always be forced to log in, while never means they will never have to log in.

User choice defers this decision to the user who sends the Thru mail, giving them the option to require it or not.

  • Never: No registration for external download. For tracking, the system always generates separate emails for each recipient.

  • Always: The system never has to generate separate emails since external download always requires registration (a user can use ‘remember me’ to skip authentication).

  • User Choice: Request login is turned off by default but the user can turn it on when sending a message.

Request login from recipients by default is allowed only when User Choice is selected.

If request recipient login is set to ‘User Choice’ – Request login is turned on as a default value for all new messages.

Enabled message fields: Option that controls the availability of the private message and regular message options when composing a Thru message.

Message Password Instead of Recipient Login

Available in the web portal and Outlook Addin
The use of a message password instead of recipient login is allowed only when Never is selected in the Request Recipient Login setting.

This allows you to set a new password for each email sent out.

Enforce message password

For backward compatibility, set this option to use a message-level password instead of recipient login.

Password enforcement is controlled by a separate checkbox ‘Enforce message password’

Whitelist has 2 functions:

When all domains in the address list are in whitelist, the password is not requested.
if at least one domain in the address list is not in whitelist, the password is requested: optional or enforced, depending on the checkbox ‘Enforce message password’
Even if a password was entered, recipients on the whitelist are not required to enter the password.

Domain Whitelist

In the mode when per-message password is enabled, an email domain whitelist can be used.

If the whitelist is enabled and the non-whitelisted domain is included in the email, senders are forced to set a password on the message.

Links to whitelisted domains are available to recipients with no passwords, links to domains not on the whitelist will require a password.

If a message is protected by a password and the recipient’s email domain is whitelisted, no password will be requested.
The whitelist option is only available if the “Use message password instead of recipient login” checkbox is checked.

Expired Messages

Enable expired email notification – enables or disables email notification of expired messages based on your preference.

“From” address field for emails sent from Thru web application

Emails sent by Thru web application use the current user email address in the From field of outgoing emails.

Some spam and fishing filters may reject the emails since Thru mail server is not registered as an outgoing email server for the current user email domain.

The setting allows to set a custom email address in From field of outgoing emails to email domain.

Note: Thru Notification emails default address can be customized, please contact for further information

For outgoing web message only desktop/mobile

The Default subject text in Thru web emails can be set

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