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  • The service sends short notifications to users and Administrators with a link to the site where the user can see their alerts on the welcome page (right after login).

  • Admin subject and body include the number of affected files.

  • User email does not have file count because the same email is sent to all users. Separate emails are sent for batches of 100 users (in Bcc).

When the user logs onto the site, he will see the alert summary on the Welcome page as the following:

The user reviews the alerts on the following screen. We show the original message in the detail section in case the user sees the alert before seeing the email. The detail section includes a link that leads to the retention report.

The Retention Warning report opens in summary by user mode. Note: filters apply to both summary and detail layouts.

The user can change it to a summary by rule.

Last layout format detail by file:

Retention administrators can control expiration days for alerts:

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