In this tab, you can customize how passwords are created and set their format.

Enable automatic password expiration will make the next two options active and put them in use.
Enable automatic password login lockout will automatically lockout that user if they attempt the wrong password more than a specified amount of times.
They will be locked out for the duration specified (in seconds).
Do not allow reuse of previous passwords will not allow the user to change their password to one of their previous passwords, going back the number of passwords specified.
For example, if the number of unusable previous passwords is set to five, the user will be unable to reset a password to one of the last five passwords they have used.
Input 0 to enable all passwords to be reused.
Password Reset Settings
Forgot Password operation is allowed every
X number of minutes
Password reset links expire in
X number of hours. Default value: 8.
The setting also defines the expiration of password setup links sent to a new user when a user is created.
Next password reset request invalidates the previous request.
Password Format
Here you can specify the minimum password length. The longer the password, the more secure it is.
You can also select any of the options to force the users to make a strong password.
Click Save to save any changes.
Passwords are case sensitive.
Format changes do not affect existing passwords. New requirements will be enforced on next password change.