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Proxy Server Settings

ProxyMode parameter controls whether to use proxy server to connect to the Thru server.

Available values:

  • set to ‘1’ to use IE proxy settings

  • set to ‘2’ to connect directly (without proxy)

  • set to ‘3’ to connect via proxy server defined by ProxyUrl parameter.

Preset value: 1


ProxyUrl parameter defines the URL of the proxy server to use for connecting to the Thru server.

ProxyUrl is only applicable when ProxyMode is ‘3’.

Preset value:


ProxyLogin defines the login to use for the proxy server.

ProxyLogin is only applicable when ProxyMode is ‘3’.

If ProxyLogin is omitted, NTLM authorization is used for the proxy server, If ProxyLogin is present, basic authorization is used.

Preset value:


ProxyCredentials defines the password to use for the proxy server.

ProxyCredentials is only applicable when ProxyMode is ‘3’ and ProxyLogin is present.

Preset value:


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