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Recipient Domain Filter


The filter defines a list of recipient e-mail domains to apply a policy below.

List items should be divided by ‘;’ character, spaces are ignored.

Example :;;

Policy :

If distribution recipient list matches filter condition, it must be either sent as a regular e-mail or as Thru email, depending on the value of parameter RecipientDomainFilterMode specified below.

Filter is active if RecipientDomainFilterList has non-empty value.

Preset value: empty string


RecipientDomainFilterMode, RecipientDomainFilterCondition

RecipientDomainFilterMode defines the policy applied by RecipientDomainFilterList parameter for recipient email domains.

RecipientDomainFilterMode=Regular means that email domains listed in RecipientDomainFilterList should receive regular (not Thru) emails, if policy applies.

Other domains receive Thru emails.

RecipientDomainFilterMode=Thru means that email domains listed on RecipientDomainFilterList should receive Thru emails, if policy applies.

Other domains receive regular emails.

RecipientDomainFilterCondition defines when the policy applies.

If RecipientDomainFilterCondition=All and all recipient email domains are listed in

RecipientDomainFilterList, the policy (Regular or Thru) will apply, otherwise the policy will not apply.

If RecipientDomainFilterCondition= Any and at least one recipient email domain is listed in

RecipientDomainFilterList, the policy (Regular or Thru) will apply, otherwise the policy will not apply.

Allowed values:
RecipientDomainFilterMode=Regular, RecipientDomainFilterCondition=All email domains on RecipientDomainFilterList should receive regular emails, policy applies when ALL recipient email domains are on RecipientDomainFilterList.

If the policy is not applied, email delivery is governed by other Thru policies such as file size, extension, Thru mode or protocol setting.

RecipientDomainFilterMode=Thru, RecipientDomainFilterCondition=All email domains on RecipientDomainFilterList should receive Thru emails, policy applies when ALL recipient email domains are on RecipientDomainFilterList.

If the policy is not applied, email delivery is governed by other Thru policies such as file size, extension, Thru mode or protocol setting.

RecipientDomainFilterMode=Regular, RecipientDomainFilterCondition=Any email domains on RecipientDomainFilterList should receive regular emails, policy applies when at least one recipient email domain is on RecipientDomainFilterList.

If the policy is not applied, email delivery is governed by other Thru policies such as file size, extension, Thru mode or protocol setting.

RecipientDomainFilterMode=Thru, RecipientDomainFilterCondition=Any email domains on RecipientDomainFilterList should receive Thru emails, policy applies when at least one recipient email domain is on RecipientDomainFilterList.

If the policy is not applied, email delivery is governed by other Thru policies such as file size, extension, Thru mode or protocol setting.

Preset values:

  • for RecipientDomainFilterMode : Regular

  • for RecipientDomainFilterCondition : Any




Allows to block distribution subject, body and private message from being sent to THRU server.

This parameter is applied if following conditions are met:

  • Recipient domain filter is active.

  • PosEmailData parameter is True.

  • Message should be sent as regular according to Recipient domain filter policy, but it contains Linked files/folders or private message.

Allowed values : High, Medium


Subject, body and private message are sent to THRU server.


if message has local linked files/folders or private message, sending will be blocked.
if message has only cloud linked files/folders, email body and subject will not be posted to THRU server.

Preset value : Medium


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