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  • All sections are mandatory, although some may be empty.

  • < thru:headerSection>< /thru:headerSection>

  • Header section is displayed at the top of received email.

Location Options:

  • This section must always be at the top of the page.


  • Can be empty or can contain any HTML

  • Can contain < thru:addresstoken/> in position #1

  • Can contain < thru:trackingNumberToken/> in position #1 or #2

  • < thru:linkSection>< /thru:linkSection>
    Section designed to contain the token which provides hyperlinked text to the files and secure message.

Location Options:

  • After thru:headerSection and before thru:bodysection

  • After thru:bodysection and before thru:linkfootersection

Can contain token in position #1

  • Must contain token in position #1 or #2

  • Can contain < thru:addresstoken/> in position #2 or #3

  • < thru:bodysection>< /thru:bodysection>

  • Section designed to contain the token < thru:bodytoken/> which is replaced by message body from Outlook email.

Location Options:

  • After thru:linkSection and before thru:linkfootersection

  • After thru:headerSection and before thru:linkSection

Must contain token < thru:bodytoken/> as the only token
< thru:linkfootersection>< /thru:linkfootersection>
Section is designed to contain the token < thru:linkfooterurltoken/> which expands into the URL that points to files and secure messages, and is used in email programs that do not support hypertext.

Location Options:

  • After thru:bodysection and before thru:footersection

  • After thru:linkSection and before thru:footersection


  • Must contain token < thru:linkfooterurltoken/> in position #1

  • Can contain token < thru:addresstoken/> in position #2

  • < thru:footersection>< /thru:footersection>

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