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Sign In Page Information


Update sign in page information, and then click Save.

Thru Title

  • Main title to be displayed on front page.

Thru Name

  • This will be displayed as your site at the sign-in screen.

Welcome Message

  • You can customize a welcome message that will be displayed under the site name on the log-in page.

You can put instructions for clients or any other information you wish into this space.

Support Link

  • Defaults to Thru’s Support page but can be changed to redirect your users to an alternative site.

Browser tab label

  • Set the browser tab label for the web application.

Footer Message

  • Footer message to be displayed on front page.

Thru Mobile Site Name

  • Site name to be displayed on pages opened by mobile devices.

Mobile Site Welcome Message

  • Site welcome message to be displayed on pages opened by mobile devices.

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