Defining FTP Settings
If you are a user of Thru that needs to access the service via an FTP client, the following information should help.
Thru's FTP service will allow you to log into your site using SFTP or FTPS protocols.
SFTP\FTPS Client Configuration Information
SFTP and FTPS access requires IP address whitelisting with Thru before a connection can be accepted.
Region | Host |
US | |
UK | |
AUS | |
GER | |
US Sandbox |
To configure your FTP client to connect to Thru, refer to the following information:
Protocol: Select your secure FTP preference SFTP or FTPS
Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS (required for FTPS)
Logon Type: Select your preference
User: The user is a combination of Thru site portal URL / username (typically an email address)
Password: The password is the same one used for Thru portal authentication.
Network Firewall Considerations
Egress connections to Thru FTP services may need to be enabled on a corporate firewall.
If the error "The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections" appears after attempting the authenticated connection. It is most likely that the Thru FTP host has to be added to the firewall whitelist.