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Multi factor authentication using Time-based one-time password (TOTP)

When multi factor authentication is enable for a site, the next time a user attempts to login with a username and a password they will be presented with the following :

The site security policies require the use of Multi factor authentication (MFA).

To comply with the Multi factor authentication requirement, please follow the steps to configure MFA:

  1. Install a Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) authenticator app on your mobile device.

  2. Open the authenticator app and choose the option to add a new account or scan a QR code.

  3. Scan the provided QR code using your authenticator app.

  4. Upon scanning, the app will generate a 6-digit verification code.

  5. Enter the verification code when prompted during the login process.

Once this has been complete further attempts to logging to the site will prompt the following :

In case of any issues with Multi factor authentication, please contact the site administrator for assistance.

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