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Self-Service User Account Creation

Before a Thru web portal is created, Thru customers can choose to enable self-service account requests to allow anyone to request an account on their portal.

This feature places a "Request Account" button on the sign-in page of the Thru web portal and lets designated admins approve or reject incoming requests from an email notification.

If you are a Thru Administrator and you would like the Request Account feature to be enabled on your portal, please contact your Thru Account Manager.

If your company has this feature enabled, follow the steps below to learn how to use it:

  1. Go to the sign-in page of the Thru portal and select Request Account. An account request form opens.


  2. The form requires the requester to fill out their contact information and enter a CAPTCHA code.


  3. Once the requester selects "Request Account", a Thru Administrator or any members of the group called ACCOUNTS APPROVAL will receive an email notification where they can choose to accept or reject the request.

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