Create tab
Create is an outbound action to upload (Drop-Off) a file into a Thru MFT.
Files are uploaded by chunks and size is not limited.
File payload, Name and Size should be provided in the message.
If the outgoing file is a result of processing of incoming file (e.g., exceptions in the data), file code of original file should be provided.
• The user must specify the file name using the document property.
• The Type option of file should be selected in the create operation tab.
• Create is also used to post aggregated exception information back to Thru. To do so, the user should select the Type options as Exception in the create operation tab.
• File code must be specified using the document property if the drop off is Exception type.
If the File name is not mentioned in the document property, the connector returns a error message. Filecode is mandatory for Exception type operation.
For a successful file drop-off operation, a response JSON is returned with the response from all steps of a drop-off process to Thru MFT API calls.
Illustration 3: File Drop-off (Create Operation)