Get tab
Get is an inbound action to download (pickup) files from a Thru MFT.
Streaming method is used, no limits on file size.
It is also used to get File metadata.
The Thru MFT API returns only one file for each request.
Specify the Secret Key in the parameter value for File pick up operation.
Specify the FileCode in the parameter value for File_Metadata operation.
If the above mentioned parameters are not set the connector returns an error message.
If the Get operation is successful for a file operation the file is returned in binary format along with the Filename and File code as the document properties in the output.
File metadata operation returns a JSON output with the all the available details for the corresponding Filecode provided in the input parameter for the File_Metadata operation.
Illustration 1: Pickup (get Operation with File Option)

Illustration 2: File_Metadata (get Operation with Metadata Option)