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18/07/24 Ver

Release Notes - [Thru AFT] [Ver]
Release Date: [18/07/24]

[New Features]

Two new system security roles are added to User management: Basic Auth and SSO Auth.

·         Basic Auth role allows users to login via the front page of the portal using username and password with MFA option.

·         SSO Auth role allows users to login to Thru portal via a customer’s Identity provider single sign-on (SSO) facility.
New roles in the Roles administration screen:


The roles are assigned to the instance users following these rules:

All users who exist in the system at the time of update are assigned both Basic and SSO Auth roles to ensure uninterrupted service, because prior to update the users could login via front page user / password and via Single Sign-on (SSO), if registered in corporate Identity provider.


·   If required, an instance administrators can add a Basic Auth role assignment to such user which will allow both types of sign-in.

·   If a user is created by the instance administrator manually via the administration portal, one or both roles can be selected by the administrator, depending on required type of user authentication.


  • User Interface Accessibility

Three User Interface modes are supported now: Dark, Light and System.

The modes can be switched via the widget next to the username. 

System mode matches a default color scheme in the configuration of operating system.

Example of the mode switch in the dark mode:

  • Extended observability logging

Result of antivirus scanning of each file is now recorded in the internal logging facility of Thru service, in addition to Quarantined events in user-facing Thru Activity portal and API.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is intended for the use of Thru Inc. staff, Thru Inc. customers or persons having signed an NDA with Thru Inc. for the purpose of the agreement under which the document has been submitted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Thru Inc. The document has been written to be used by professional and properly trained personnel and the reader assumes full responsibility when using it. Thru Inc. welcomes readers’ comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. Thru Inc. liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentary correction of errors. Thru Inc. will not be responsible in any event for errors in this document or for any damages, incidental or consequential (including monetary loss), that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to applicable laws

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