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Export Flow

Export Flow enables users to export the flow configuration in a JSON format, which can be easily edited or re-imported as needed.

The migration of configurations between Thru environments is achieved through a systematic process. This involves exporting selected configurations from the source environment into a JSON-formatted file. Users have the option to edit this file before importing it back into the target environment. The process also includes certain support mechanisms for conflict resolution, ensuring a smooth transition of configurations.

Export of configuration

  • Users are able to select one or more flows for the export

  • Export action has an option to export all endpoint credentials. By default endpoint credentials are exported.

  • Export saves selected flows, all linked objects like Flow Endpoints, Endpoints and Orgs and all settings of the objects in single Json-formatted export file per flow.

Transformation of exported data

  • Manual editing of the Json file or coding the scripts to transform the data

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