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Create a Link to your Thru Dropbox™

To securely receive large files with Thru from non-registered users, you can create a link to your Thru Dropbox™.

This lets non-Thru users securely send files directly into a user's Thru Dropbox™.

The URL link format is:

To create your link:

Substitute the "companyname" text and the email address "" shown in the link format above with your company's Thru site name and your email address.

In the following example, we replaced "companyname" with demo and replaced the email address with


NOTE: If your company has a unique Thru site URL that does not end in as shown above, then fill in your Thru site URL in place of* at the beginning of the Thru Dropbox link.


Once you have created your link, you can send it to anyone via email, company websites, and portals, etc.

To add your Thru Dropbox™ link to your Microsoft Outlook email signature, visit the following section from the Thru for Microsoft Outlook Add-In User Guide: Creating a Signature with a Link to Your Dropbox™

When anyone clicks on the Thru Dropbox link, it will take them to a file upload form (shown below) where they complete the fields to send you files.

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