16/03/23 Ver
Release Notes - [Thru AFT] [Ver]
Release Date: [16/03/23]
[New Features]
Web Component - Users can integrate a web component into a third-party website that facilitates uploading files directly to a flow in MFT. Users can also configure it to create a file metadata file with configurable outputs as well as simulating a source path.
API Keys - Users can create an API key under user profile for external authentication to MFT.
Endpoint Duplication - Users can duplicate an organization endpoint from the endpoint properties page.
Enable/Disable flow from action menu - Flows have a new action item for enabling or disabling the flow from the table of flows on the Flows page (previously you had to open the flow)
Support “last day of month” in endpoint monthly schedules - Users can select “Last day of month” in an endpoints monthly schedule.
Indicator on Flow Studio page of organization endpoint status - On the flow studio page next to the link to the Organization Endpoint there is now a small circle that shows whether the endpoint is enabled. Green is enabled and Grey is disabled.
[Other Notes]
Overview page updated to show filesize ingress/egress
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