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Highly Available Runtime Configuration with Primary & Secondary Nodes

Here is an explanation for supporting a highly available configuration of the Thru Node runtime:

Highly Available Configuration:

  1. Primary Node:

  1. Secondary Node:

    • Deploy identical node on secondary machine (either via installing it again via the same script as the primary or copying the installation folder from primary to secondary.)

    • Remember the secondary is required to have same Node ID as primary

    • Set to passive state initially

  1. Heartbeat Monitoring:

  1. Failover Mechanism:

    • Detect primary node failure (heartbeat down)

    • Activate secondary node

    • The latest release of Node introduces an new feature that enables a node to detect any existing running nodes and refrain from initiating itself.

It is important to note that the same node WILL NOT RUN within (default) 3 minutes after the previous one has turned off.

The value can be adjusted using the "HeartbeatTtlSeconds" setting in the node appsettings.json file, with a default of 180 seconds.

Identical nodes can operate simultaneously; however, one node will recognize the other as active and will be unable to accept new tasks.

  1. Best Practices:

    • Regular testing of failover process

    • Implement proper logging for troubleshooting

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