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Scheduling is available when Thru MFT needs to Pull from an external endpoint or Push to an external endpoint.

Schedule allows defining a file pickup or drop-off at a particular time.

Continuously - will allow an endpoint to automatically repeat every x Minutes or x Hours or x Days


Daily - Allows you to choose the days of the week, along with a specific time to automate this endpoint.


Weekly - Allows you to set the day of the week, along with a specific time to automate this endpoint.


Monthly - Allows you to set the day of the month, along with a specific time to automate this endpoint.


In addition Target Flow Endpoints have an On Arrival option.

On Arrival schedules will deliver files immediately after they arrive from a source endpoint.


The On Arrival schedules activates only upon the arrival of a new file. If no additional file is placed in the designated target folder path, the "on arrival" schedule remains inactive.

However, if the target becomes available by the time the next file arrives and triggers the "on arrival" schedule, the original file will also be transferred.

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