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14/10/24 Ver

Release Notes - [Thru AFT] [Ver]
Release Date: [14/10/24]


The release includes major updates, including the new Thru Node Direct Connection feature and the ability to delete files from the Activity page. All Thru Nodes must be updated to access these features. If node updates are disabled, enable them temporarily to apply the update.

[New Features]

Thru Node Direct Connection Feature

  • Functionality: Most external endpoints now have the option to be served by Thru Node in addition to Thru Cloud. When a flow endpoint is served by Thru Node, external file repository connections and file transfers are executed by the Node instead of the Cloud. This ensures that files never reside in Thru Cloud, meeting security, compliance, and performance requirements for specific use cases.
    Note: If using Direct Connection, ensure that external servers permit connections from the IP addresses where Thru Node is deployed.

  • Setup: In the Flow Endpoint Editor, link a Flow endpoint to a Thru Node to enable direct connections for transfers using the same node as both source and/or target. When the same node is used for both the source and target, all file delivery will occur within the customer's environment where the Node is deployed.

  • Supported Endpoints:

    • External FTPS

    • External SFTP

    • Azure Blob

    • Amazon S3

    • SharePoint

    • Google Cloud Storage

All Thru Nodes must be updated to use the new external node feature. If updates are currently disabled on your Thru Node, you will need to enable them. Once the release is complete and your Thru Node is updated to the latest version, you can manually reconfigure it to disable updates again. If you have never disabled updates, you can ignore this message.

See the following link for details : Steps to Enable Node Direct Connection

File Deletion from the Activity Page

  • On the Activity page, users can now manually delete or purge files from Thru cloud storage only. Please be aware that this action is irreversible.

  • Added UI API endpoint to delete files in the Activity, accepts a list of files, and uses an optional Boolean to delete all files associated with the initial list.


Overview page

  • New tooltips on the Overview page allow users to view Node Ingress and Node Egress information more easily.

Node Ingress

Node Egress



Management API

  • New API Endpoint getTransferHistory returns all transfers including manual. Use instead of API /api/Activity/getFileActivity

Before manual download events were available only on the Activity page under each file download separately.



  • Node : To prevent the simultaneous execution of multiple instances of the same Flow Endpoint from the same Node ID, we implement protective measures. For more details, please visit the following link.

  • Node : Tooltips for the Thru Node Field in Flow Studio improved.

  • Node : Actions view associated endpoints shows associated external endpoints as well.

[Bug Fixes]

  • Alerts : Source FILE TRANSFER COMPLETED Email Alerts not showing filename.

  • Manual Upload : Session timeout when uploading file via the UI.

  • Node : Archive Not Working Consistently.

  • Node : You could unsubscribe an Organization from a Flow while its Node's are associated with the Flow endpoints.

  • Node : Installation modal page blurry text.

  • Node : Could use the save flow endpoint configuration API to associate with a Node from an outside organization.

  • Activity : Files processed by a node not selectable for manual delete. (only files processed by Thru Cloud can be deleted)

  • Activity : File History - Transfer Actions out of Order.

  • Activity : File Activity out of order.

  • Audit : Log event "Flow Endpoint Changes" does not show the associated node field.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is intended for the use of Thru Inc. staff, Thru Inc. customers or persons having signed an NDA with Thru Inc. for the purpose of the agreement under which the document has been submitted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Thru Inc. The document has been written to be used by professional and properly trained personnel and the reader assumes full responsibility when using it. Thru Inc. welcomes readers’ comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. Thru Inc. liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentary correction of errors. Thru Inc. will not be responsible in any event for errors in this document or for any damages, incidental or consequential (including monetary loss), that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to applicable laws.

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