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Thru SFTP Server

Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a network protocol used for the secure transfer of data over the internet. SFTP leverages the full security and authentication features of the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. This makes it well-suited for exchanging sensitive data between business partners in industries such as finance, healthcare, retail, and advertising. SFTP provides a robust and encrypted means of transferring files, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the data being shared. Its widespread adoption across various sectors highlights the importance of secure data transmission in today's interconnected business landscape.

Thru SFTP servers operate over port 22

To create a Thru SFTP Server Endpoint:

  1. Click Organizations.

  2. Select an organization.

  3. Click Endpoints.

  4. Click the + Add Endpoint button.

  5. Enter the name in the Endpoint Name * field.

  6. Select Thru SFTP Server protocol from the Type * drop-down.

  7. Note the example Public Url in order to make the connection.

  8. Enter a description for the endpoint.

  9. Click the Save button.


After incorporating this endpoint type into a flow, the ability to create user accounts is available from within the Flow Endpoint.


Thru SFTP Servers resume file transfer feature requires the following:

triggers files

client to use ‘binary’ transfer mode

Post-upload operations

Thru does not support post-upload operations on Thru SFTP internal sources unless the client software uses a temporary file name, which must also be configured as a temporary file name in the Thru SFTP source's internal flow endpoint under the Triggers tab.


Thru SFTP determinesidleness for SFTP sessions based on the last received command. If you keep open an SFTP connection without sending any command for more than 15 minutes (by default) the session will be closed. So if you want to keep alive an SFTP session you have to periodically send an SFTP command, for example you can request the current dir.

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